Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions & Answers

Why should I switch to Solar?

Sun is free and it rises everyday , Solar power reduces our reliance on dirty sources of energy such as oil, coal and natural gas. It is a completely renewable source that emits no harmful emissions into the air affecting your health or environment. With Solar you can Control your Energy Future and save thousands of  dollars on electricity bills .

Will i Qualify for Tax Credits and NEM Credits?

If you want to install a solar power system in your home, it’s important that you know what incentives are available for different states. There may be tax credits or rebates from the utility company depending on where you live and how much energy is being produced by the panels. In addition, homeowners can get federal tax credit when they go green with their own systems since making an investment into sustainable living will reduce our carbon footprint as well!

How many Solar Panels do i need to produce the power?

During your free solar consultation we'll figure out the best number and type of panels you need to produce enough electricity that will meet all of your energy needs.

What's your climate like? There are many factors that affect the number of panels you need for a solar panel system. How much direct sunlight reaches the ground where we live is one big factor, but shading, which direction our roof faces and any aesthetic preferences can all impact how large or small our systems needs to be.

Will i notice any changes after Solar Panels are Installed?

If you switch to solar, everything in your home will continue working the same. You won’t have to worry about any differences or changes whatsoever because of this transition from traditional energy sources to renewable like solar panels!

Who is responsible for the Repair and Maintenance?

Solar panels are covered under warranties, including production guarantees for 25 years. This provides peace of mind to home owners as everything is repaired and maintained at no additional cost.

Is this a Lease or Ownership for Solar Panels?

The best part about owning your own solar panels is that you can have full ownership day 1.
Solar energy has become increasingly popular in the past few decades as a sustainable and environmentally-friendly source of electricity, but most people do not realize how cheap it actually is to install their very own solar panel system at home or on their property! This means individuals no longer need to pay expensive fees for leasing from large companies who buy up all available resources.

Will Solar Panels increase my Home Value?

A 2019 study showed that homes with solar panels sell for 4.1% more than their counterparts without them, making it an appealing choice to help maximize home value and appeal when selling your house (or preparing to).
Source : 

When do i start saving Money ?

Day 1 Savings with the Ownership Program 

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